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FareShare Gazette Recipes --October 1999 - H's
* Exported from MasterCook * Homemade Liverwurst Recipe By : Serving Size : 0 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Volume 2-10, Oct '99 Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 800 gr Pork liver 200 gr lean pork 2000 gr fat pork belly with rind 2 large onions 60 gr salt (3 level tsp) 3 Tbsp white pepper -- freshly ground 1 Tbsp ground Ginger 1 Tbsp ground Nutmeg 2 Tbsp Marjoran 2 cups Water Water for boiling meats -- (spices can be altered according to taste) Bring enough water to boil, drop in liver and boil for 15 minutes. Remove liver and put through meat grinder, coarse blade (follow instructions for your meat grinder) Discard liquid. Place a pork betty and lean pork in large saucepan, cover with water, bring to boil, cover and simmer for 1 hour. Coarsely chop onions, saute in 1 = Tbsp oil or butter (onion should not change color). Put pork belly and lean pork with the onions through meat grinder using fine blade. (My comment: For a better mix and more tender results Kitchenaid instructions recommend grinding the meats together a second time.) Add salt and all other ingredients except 2 cups water. Bring 2 cups of water to boiling, remove and add to the mixture. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients (use disposable plastic gloves) Stuff into sausage casings, tie both ends. Bring water to 160 degrees F, place sausage in pan and slowly bring temperature up to boiling point of 212 degrees F. Continue simmering at that temperature for 1 hour. Cool. Keep refrigerated. Liverwurst can be frozen. To can in glass jars: Sterilize jars in boiling water. Fill with mixture. Seal. Then cook for 120 minutes at a slow boil. Notes: No flour or bread may be added. Onions or shallots may never be added uncooked. Sausage needs to be cooked in hot water after preparation and should never be kept until next day before cooking. Cooked sausage should be eaten within 3-4 days and kept refrigerated. Sausage canned in sterilized glass jars or tins should not be kept longer than 1 year. Containers should frequently be checked for damage. Hausmacher Leberwurst diese Leberwurst kann sowohl in Dosen oder Kunstddrme gef|llt werden und wird dann gebr|ht. Kunstddrme erhalten Sie in der Ndhe von Schlachthvfen oder Metzgereibedarfshandel. Zutaten 800 g Schweineleber 200 g mageres Schweinefleisch 2000 g fetter Schweinebauch mit Schwarte 2 gro_e Zwiebeln 60 g Salz (ca. 3 schwach gehdufte E_l.) 3 gestr. E_l wei_er, gemahlener Pfeffer 1 gestr. E_l. gemahlener Ingwer 1 gestr. E_l. gemahlene Muskatnu_ 2 E_l. Majoran 2 Tassen Kochwasser die Gew|rze kvnnen Sie nach Geschmack verdndern. Zubereitung: Kurz |berbr|hte Leber (15 Sekunden) durch die 8-mm-Scheibe drehen. Den fetten Schweinebauch sowie das magere Schweinefleisch nach einer Stunde Kochzeit zusammen mit den in Fettged|nsteten Zwiebeln durch die 4,5-mm-Scheibe lassen. Salz und Gew|rze hinzuf|gen und unter Zugabe des Kochwassers t|chtig vermengen In Ddrme gef|llte Wurst wird in ca. 80 Grad C. leicht siedendes Wasser eingelegt und langsam bis ca. 100 Grad gebr|ht. Br|hdauer der W|rste: 60 Minuten. Die Dosen auf ein mit Wasser gef|lltes Bratpfannenblech im Backofen setzen und bei mindestens 100 Grad C. Einkochtemperatur sterilisieren.Kochdauer: 400-g-Dose 90 Minuten. Die Kochdauer einer: 400-g-Dose 120 Minuten. Bright@twave.net Posted to FareShare 10-99 Visit us at http://fareshare.tripod.com Edited and/or Formated by Art Guyer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTES : home.t-online.de/home/heinz.ober/wurst.htm#Hausmacher [Annemarie Klehe Edgell] * Exported from MasterCook * Hot Licks Chicken Recipe By : Serving Size : 4 Preparation Time :0:25 Categories : Volume 2-10, Oct '99 Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 2 teaspoons poultry seasoning 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice 1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 4 skinned chicken breast halves -- (4-ounce) boned 1 tablespoon olive oil Cooking spray 1/4 cup water 1/4 cup dry white wine 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon orange marmalade Preparation time: 12 minutes Cooking time: 13 minutes. The slightly sweet orange glaze tames some of the heat in the spicy rub. Serve this dish with roasted potato wedges and fresh broiled pineapple chunks; we also garnished the pineapple with chopped green onions. 1. Combine first 7 ingredients in a small bowl; stir well. Rub chicken with spice mixture; let stand 5 minutes. 2. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet coated with cooking spray over medium-high heat. Add chicken; cook 1 minute on each side or until lightly browned. Add water and wine to skillet; cover, reduce heat, and simmer 6 minutes or until chicken is done. Remove chicken from skillet. Set aside; keep warm. Add lemon juice and 1/8 teaspoon salt to skillet. Bring to a boil; cook 4 minutes or until reduced to 3 tablespoons. Remove from heat; stir in marmalade. Spoon sauce over chicken. Yield: 4 servings. Nutritional Information: CALORIES 174 (26% from fat); FAT 5.1g (sat 0.9g, mono 2.9g, poly 0.6g); PROTEIN 26.4g; CARB 4.6g; FIBER 0.2g; CHOL 66mg; IRON 1.3mg; SODIUM 445mg; CALC 27mg SOURCE: Cooking Light YEAR: 1997 ISSUE: June PAGE: 162 Submitted by Art Guyer Posted to FareShare 10-99 Visit us at http://fareshare.tripod.com Edited and/or Formated by Art Guyer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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