The Hagerstown Parkinson’s Support Group
Hagerstown, MD and the Four-State Area

Picnic, September 2019

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Hagerstown Parkinson’s Support Group Picnic
September 20, 2019

The Hagerstown Parkinson’s Support Group held its fall picnic on September 20, 2019. Thirty-three persons associated with Parkinson’s Disease enjoyed the day at Martin "Marty" L. Snook Memorial Park. It was a beautiful day for a picnic in the park. The group enjoyed fried chicken from AC&T, accompanied by a variety of dishes and desserts provided by the participants.

The host, Art Guyer, recognized the death of Patsy DeHaven, a long-time member and friend. He asked for a moment of silent prayer for the DeHaven family.

There were drawings for two $10 gift certificates to the Western Sizzlin’ Restaurant, a large bag of chocolate, and several other small prizes.

The group was entertained by the singing of Darold Springer and John Berger, as well as the balloon antics of member, Jerry Mullenix. Board Member Carol Gaines called bingo for the group, giving away about 35 wrapped prizes brought by the members.


Darold Springer and John Berger


Photo by Curtis Guyer

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