Hagerstown Parkinson’s
Support Group Picnic, September 15, 2017
The Hagerstown
Parkinson’s Support Group held its fall picnic on September
15, 2017. Twenty-six persons associated with Parkinson’s
Disease enjoyed the day at Martin "Marty" L. Snook Memorial
Park. The weather was perfect for the outing and everyone
enjoyed fried chicken from AC&T accompanied by a variety of
dishes and desserts provided by the participants. The host,
Art Guyer, welcomed the group and awarded a number of prizes
including 10 nice mums. The co-host, Dean Cook, called
bingo for the group, giving away about 30 wrapped prizes
brought by the members.
Attending the picnic
were: Art and Doris Guyer, Dean Cook, Mike and Marci
Saterbak, Ecile and Ragan Shaw, Bill Storms, Jay and Betty
Stouffer, Chuck and Aura Bihun, Hugh and Linda McSweyn, Vi
McConnell, Marie Fogarty, Talia Valencia, Charles and Betty
Martin, Edie Johnston, Chet and Rose Fabijanski, Judy and
Sam Fiery and Gloria and Carl Rith.
The Hagerstown
Parkinson’s Support Group meets once a month on the first
Thursday at 11:45 AM at the Western Sizzlin’ Restaurant in
Hagerstown, MD. Anyone associated with Parkinson’s or even
just interested in learning about the disease is welcome to
attend. A variety of speakers help educate members
throughout the year. In addition to the regular monthly
meetings, the group holds a Caregivers’ Breakfast on the
third Monday of every month at the Hagerstown Family Diner,
bowling once a month, and other activities.
For more information
about this support group,
Contact: 301-797-7323 |