Four-State Alliance for Parkinson's Support

Cumberland, MD - Frederick, MD - Gettysburg, PA - Hagerstown, MD - Mechanicsburg, PA - New Oxford, PA - Winchester, VA - Chambersburg, PAud the Four-State Area


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Meeting on 9/20/2014
Meeting on 1/31/2015

John Kraft Award
Meeting on 2/4/2017
Meeting on 3/10/2018


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Hagerstown Parkinson's Support Group


Four-State Alliance for Parkinson's Support
Photo from the February 2017 meeting

(L – R) Dan Yother, Arthur Rosenbaum, Rona Rosenbaum, Dean Cook, Steve Silvious (Seated) Janet Silvious


Meeting of the Four-State Alliance for Parkinson’s Support -- February 2017

Leaders from Parkinson’s Support Groups in western Maryland and the surrounding states met on Saturday, February 4, 2017, at the Western Sizzlin’ Restaurant in Hagerstown, MD.  During this meeting new members were introduced and discussions took place on events and issues from each of the group leaders.  This group was formed to promote sharing of ideas and problems with those who are not located near the larger populated areas.